Discover what's best for your child's personality!

Finding high-quality childcare can be complicated and overwhelming. After all, it is an important decision that will profoundly affect your child's development.

We know that children learn from the actions of their parents and carers and the environment surrounding them. For children to grow up healthy, well-adjusted, and happy and to reach their full potential, we must provide them with a loving, predictable, and safe environment, including home and childcare.

When childcare is not high quality, our children suffer, which often shows in their behaviour. They may be stressed and anxious, failing to thrive, acting out and not wanting to go. If your child is unhappy or not progressing as well as they should be, you have a valid reason to be concerned. 

Choosing the right childcare for your child makes a difference and sets them on the right path.

Let's look at choosing childcare considering your child's personality:


In my career working in early years and schools, and while putting my children through the education system, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly in childcare settings.

I've needed to move my children into new schools and swap nurseries because they weren't thriving, so I empathise with anyone feeling the strain of doing this.

It is worth considering where your child will settle down in the hope you can avoid unnecessary upset and have some peace of mind knowing they are happy and doing well.



When my daughter went to nursery, her outgoing nature was evident through her enjoyment of being with others and her eagerness to learn. Like other outgoing children, he had a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Her playful nature, energy, and enthusiasm made her fun to be with and always on the go.

She was very bright and sociable and liked having a best friend. Keeping her busy and engaged was essential to her overall well-being, allowing her to channel her energy and maximise her potential.

The small private local nursery setting with a high adult-to-child ratio perfectly fit her. It provided a structured environment where she could thrive and develop her bright, vibrant, and confident personality. 




My son, like many young children, had a quiet disposition. His curious, calm, quiet nature made him a pleasure to be with.

His independent and genuinely kind nature meant he enjoyed playing alone and with his close friends.

He was a good listener with a vivid imagination and creative mind. He liked to be active and have time to be quiet. His sensitivity was suited to a calm and nurturing setting, where he would have support and attention from caring adults.

Children with a quiet nature can often be overlooked because they aren't demanding attention. So, it is important to be in an environment where staff are conscious of this, and the local playgroup gave my son a chance to play freely with friends and be with staff who got to know him well.




An easy-going child is typically relaxed, adaptable, and flexible in their approach to situations. They tend to handle change, transitions, and challenges calmly and positively.

They may be more open to new experiences, go with the flow, and find it easier to get along with different people.

It doesn't mean an easy-going child lacks preferences or opinions. Instead, they are more inclined to handle situations with less resistance, stress, or agitation. So, it is essential to ensure they have choices and meet their needs. 

The easy-going child may be more likely to fit in a variety of settings and may enjoy spending time in two places, such as a childminder and a playgroup.


These are a few general personality traits that may change over time or depending on the situation. Nothing is more important as a parent than knowing your child is happy throughout the day, no matter what they are doing. 

Although your child's personality traits are so important to consider, you must also consider your own needs. Other practical questions to ask yourself when choosing childcare include finances, your child's age, hours needed, location and staff and your situation.

For more tips on choosing childcare, taken from my book "Choosing Childcare" sign up for my newsletter and be the first to get the latest information.

All the best, 



